Article Listing (1 to 8 from 8)

Postdate  Article Title  Category  Article Author 
Feb 4 Resume Action Verbs & Keywords Resume Advice

If your resume is scanned electronically by a potential employer, the computer scanner will pick up on these keywords.

Jan 8 Building a Strong Resume Resume Advice

A strong resume is vital to finding a job. Think of your resume as a marketing tool that grabs the attention of a hiring manager and gets you in the door of the company to make your sales pitch.

Yesterday 8 Résumé Editing Tips Resume Advice Jennifer Anthony

Depending on how it's written, your résumé can make or break your job search.

Nov 8 Five Steps for Updating Your Resume Resume Advice Caroline Levchuck
Sep 15 Common resume mistake Resume Advice Killer Resume

Be sure to avoid these mistakes when writing your resume.

Aug 1 How to Decide on Resume Length Resume Advice Kim Isaacs

"How long should my resume be?" is one of the most commonly asked questions about resumes.

Jun 8 How to Write a Resume Career Summary Resume Advice Kim Isaacs

Generate Interest with a High-Impact Summary Statement

May 23 Common Resume Blunders Resume Advice Kim Isaacs

Make sure your resume is in top-notch shape by avoiding the top 10 resume blunders:

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